Basic Information Page Help

The Basic Information Page records general information about the claim you are submitting to ISO. These data elements, which include policy type, addresses, loss and policy information, etc., apply to the claim as a whole. Additional, more specific information will be requested based on the information you provide on this page.

For more information on how to use this page, select one of the questions below:


How do I enter data on this page? Return to top

Start by entering a Policy Type. Drop down the list of valid policy types by selecting the gray box (with the down triangle) at the right of the Policy Type field. Scroll through the list and select the policy type that applies to the claim you are submitting.

Next, enter additional data by using the tab key to move from field to field (or select a field with the mouse cursor). Remember to fill in the required fields (see below). You won’t be able to continue until you enter data in these fields.


Which fields should I enter on this page? Return to top

ISO strongly encourages you to enter as much information as possible. This helps identify matching claims.

Of course, a few fields are required. These fields help identify a claim from the millions of others that ISO receives. Data entered in required fields is searched across the ISO ClaimSearch database, generating match reports that may help you identify matching claims. Required fields are designated with a superscript "R" next to the field label.

Some additional information, if entered, may also be searched across the ISO ClaimSearch database. A cross-line search will be performed for the sevices to which your company participates (contact ISO for more information at 1-800-399-2585). While not required, these fields can play a significant role in identifying matching claims. Searchable fields are designated with a superscript "S" next to the field label.

  Required field(s): The following are required on the Basic Information page:
  • Policy Type
  • Location of Loss State
  Searchable field(s): In addition to the required fields (see above), the following information, if entered, will provide a search of the ClaimSearch database. A cross-line search will be performed for the sevices to which your company participates (contact ISO for more information at 1-800-399-2585)
  • There are no additional fields that are searched on this page


What do I do when I finish this page? Return to top

Once you have finished entering the appropriate data, select the "NEXT" button. The data you entered will be saved and the next page in the claim submission process will appear.


How do I change the Office Code, Claim Number, Policy Number, or Date of Loss? Return to top

The combination of Office Code, Claim Number, Policy Number and Date of Loss uniquely identifies this claim from all others. As a result, they cannot be changed once you begin entering a claim. For this reason, it is important that you verify your entry on the Loss & Policy Information page before proceeding.

If you find that one of these elements is in error, you will have to begin your claim submission again with the corrected information. Unfortunately, you will lose any data you have already entered. To start over, select the red "Claims Reporting" button in the left column of this page, then select the red "Submit Claim" button at the top of the "My Reports" or "Office Reports" page.


What options do I have on this page? Return to top

Navigation: The following navigation buttons are available on the Basic Information page (they are shown below, but do not work on this help page).

The "Cancel" button does not appear when you are entering data for the first time on the Basic Information page. The "CANCEL" button is only available on this page if you have chosen to edit the information by selecting the "Edit Basic Info" button on the Claim Summary page.

Selecting the "CANCEL" button exits the Basic Information page and returns to the Claim Summary page without saving any changes that may have been entered.

Selecting the "NEXT" button, saves any information entered on this page and moves to the next page in the claims entry process.

If you chose to edit the information on this page by selecting the "Edit Basic Info" button on the Claim Summary page, then choosing "NEXT" will save any changes and return to the Claim Summary page.

Data entry: The following data entry options are available on the Basic Information page.

Show List Some fields are followed by the words "Show List". Selecting this text will display a reference list of valid entries for that field in a new browser window. For instance, selecting the "Show List" next to the State field will display a list of states followed by their two character code, i.e. New York – NY.

Once you know the code for the field, close the pop up window by selecting the "x" in the upper right corner of the window and then enter the code in the appropriate field.